Monday, March 2, 2009

Running Gear Update

In preparation for the half marathon I'm running at Disney World this coming weekend, I've been buying and updating my running gear.

I'll be running the race in this dress:

The footloose dress from Skirt Sports. And yes, it's pink. I'm Sleeping Beauty...:) I'll wear my Under Armour compression shorts underneath for comfort.

I also bought this watch:

It's great for interval timing (I use the Galloway run/walk method for longer races..2:1s for those that are familiar with Galloway). It is also sleek and light. Since it's an "ironman" model, it's very water resistant so I can use it for the triathlon as well.

Finally, I got another pair of my trusty motion-control shoes:I am a severe over-pronator, so these are perfect for me. I've worn the Brooks Ariel for 3 years now and have had very few Achilles issues like I had before.

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