Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

Last week was a lazy week for me in terms of exercise. I had a lot going on, so of course running or any type of exercise fell to the wayside. I kept trying to run during lunch, but I could never get motivated enough to do it.

Finally, on Saturday, I went for another run. I have to carefully ease myself into the warmer temps, so I ran for 2 miles without stopping at a fairly quick pace, and then allowed myself to walk, and then ran home. It worked pretty well, as you can see below:

On Sunday, I went for my first bike ride in years with Lauren and Scott. We rode the lovely Bay Ridge loop...the weather was spectacular and the view of the Bay, the river, and the Bay Bridge was amazing. We rode pretty slowly....but for my first triathlon training ride I was glad to get 7 miles in the seat.

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