Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weekly Training Update

Well, I managed to get most of the miles in I needed last week. Barely. At least most of the miles were on my feet, if not running.

Thursday, my Energizer Bunny Goofy Training partner pulled me along for a fast 2.75 miles. We averaged right at a 10:00 minute pace. Which is pretty fast for me these days. But, it was a cool night and I was feeling good, so I loped along with her.

Saturday, I got up and joined the 10K class for 4 miles, with a plan of adding a mile on at the end to make 5. It was a warm, humid morning, and I had a tough time breathing. I ended up walking most of the last mile of the 4 with the class. Then, I walked another mile to at least get the mileage in on my feet, even if I wasn't running.

Sunday morning was a bit of a disaster. We had 14 miles on the schedule. This was definitely one of those mornings that I should have just thrown in the towel before I got out the door. I was out until 1:30 AM the evening before at a cast party for a show my boyfriend performed in. I was also wearing new boots that gave me blisters. I only had one glass of wine so that I wouldn't be dehydrated. We had to schedule our run at 8AM despite the late night because we had another concert to sing in the early afternoon. I woke up at 7 AM, and discovered the coffeemaker was broken. Then, I couldn't manage to get any food down. I had 1/4 of a peanut butter sandwich. Not good. My training partner arrived at 8, and I decided to ignore the bad things and get out for the run, anyway.

It took a couple of miles to warm up, and then I was feeling good. But, after we stopped for a potty break at 7 miles, things started to crash for me. I was a bit dizzy, tired, and had to walk, a lot. We cut our route short so that we'd be closer to the start in case I needed to turn back. At 9 miles, I threw in the towel and walked 2 miles back to my house. Not really the way I wanted to have a long training run turn out, but at least I logged 11 miles on my feet.

This weekend is a "light" week, with 7 miles on Saturday and 10 on Sunday. Thankfully, neither of these runs have to happen in the early hours of the morning!

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